Frankie Darro

Frankie Darro

Active - 1924 - 1987  |   Birth - Dec 22, 1917  |   Death - Dec 25, 1976  |   Genres - Drama, Comedy, Romance, Silent Film, Action-Adventure | Subgenres - Silent Film, Silent Feature, Musical, Western Film, Romantic Comedy

Biography by Wikipedia

Frankie Darro was an American actor and later in his career a stuntman. He began his career as a child actor in silent films, progressed to lead roles and co-starring roles in adventure, western, dramatic, and comedy films, and later became a character actor and voice-over artist. He is perhaps best known for his role as Lampwick, the unlucky boy who turns into a donkey in Walt Disney's second animated feature, Pinocchio (1940). In early credits, his last name was spelled Darrow.

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